The member for Edinburgh North and Leith is the former Scottish Labour Minister for Communites and member of the Equal Opportunities Committee. Mr Chisholm has been innundated with letters and emails concerning the dispute is is very concerned by the Principalshops stand on this issue.
If you have not already contacted Mr Chisholm you can do so via the following methods:
Malcolm Chisholm MSP
The Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP
Open Surgeries every saturday:
9am: Leith Library
10.30am: Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre
12pm: Stockbridge Library
Its good to see some Pollys onboard. The whole of Scottish FE needs sorting. Look at what is going on elsewhere.
Keep up the pressure - you WILL win!
For a bit more background on the 'long running' problems at Telford College(447 contributions to date), Mr Malcolm Chisholm MSP and others
should find the following 'long running' web forum of interest : www.quicktopic.com/12/H/b4PrrPKFxxCe
Someone certainly seems to have it in for FE/HE colleges in Scotland.
We have had our share of problems in James Watt College too.
It is intereating to read the following on page 20 of a 2004 SFEU document called "The Professional FE Lecturer in 2014:
"All round, if we accept that lecturers will need to be more skilled then in a competitive jobs market we may expect that they wil need to be better paid (already they lag behind school teachers). For economic reasons, therefore, there may have to be less of them.
"This in turn will require a clearer identification of the aspects of the learning process in which the very expensive *lecturer* is needed, and of where other resources (human or technical) can properly be used to support other aspects of the process.
"Implicit within this is a recognition, as mentioned above, that there will be other grades of staff involved in supporting learning who will perform opther roles for whom the requirements stated above may not all apply - for example, instructors who will not need to develop materials but who may need to be able to carry out many of the other roles".
A Full Scale Parlimentary inquiry in to the abuse of power by the Principal and Senior Management of ETC is what is required URGENTLY on the grounds that they have failed by their employees by -
* Gross neglect of their legal 'Duty of Care' as employers.
* Constant bullying and harrasment of staff.
Some of this even falls in to H&SE examination but Management even fails to recognise them.
Something seriously needs to be done and URGENTLY. Students and Staff are suffering.
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