Thursday, 4 October 2007

Guidance on leaving comments:

The Branch Committee would like to thank all of you who have contributed to this blog with your comments and messages of support, they are greatly appreciated. In the main we have been able to allow the vast majority of comments and messages through our moderation system, however, a small number of comments have been rejected.

In order to prevent your comment or message being rejected please consider the following:

  • avoid using rude or abusive language.
  • avoid direct comparisons between named individuals and historical figures (no matter how amusing).
  • avoid juvenile digs.
  • avoid any statements which could be misconstrued as threatening or bullying.
  • read your message through before sending it.

Some excellent points have been lost because other parts of the content have been inappropriate.

If you have made a comment and it has not been published and you would like to know why or you would like further guidance on making comments please contact us at:

Note: we will publish all counter points of view as long as they adhere to the suggested guidelines.

Note: the opinions contained within the comments posted on this site reflect those of the individual author and are not necessarily shared by the Branch Committee.


Anonymous said...

I am moved to comment that the moderation on this blog is not sufficiently strict. Given that guidelines have been set by the blog creators discouraging statements that could be misconstrued, are juvenile or are threatening I find it hard to see why some statements are included - especially in the largest active area of the blog (the one with 24 comments at time of writing. Here it would appear that robust debate has been established but has been hampered by mindless sniping, juvenile taunts and clear attempts at bullying.

Unfortunately we can see a wide variety of abusive and childish comments that make no meaningful point and clearly transgress the guidelines set by the moderators. There are several statements regarding a democracy of comment and it is hard to see how such sloppy moderation encourages intelligent discussion. It should be noted that - for this blog to work - it should include statements that may be contrary to the espoused position of the moderators but which clearly promote an intelligent alternative viewpoint. There are always many viewpoints in a work context.

Perhaps the only reason that the blog exists is to present one point of view - in which case why bother to initiate a debate in the first place?

It is time to pull your socks up and moderate properly.

Telford Branch Committee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Telford Branch Committee said...

If you would like to raise specific concerns about a comment or comments which you consider to in breach of the recommended guidelines please email us at:

and we will review the comment(s) in question.

In relation to the question of balance we can assure you that all 3 of the statements we have received "that may be contrary to the espoused position of the moderators" have been published in full.