Thursday, 4 October 2007

EIS Delegation Meets with Management

The Branch Committee can confirm that today- Thursday 4th October- at 4pm a delegation of the EIS met with a member of the Principalship and ageed to meet on friday 5th of october to discuss the current situation at Edinburgh's Telford College.

The EIS and The Branch Committee remain committed to their opposition to the use of an employment agency at Edinburgh's Telford College.

There are no plans to suspend the strike action for next week.


Anonymous said...

As the Principal, Dr Harris, began a weeks annual leave today can we presume that the delegation met and are meeting with he Vice- Principal Mr Irving.

Is this a sign of the seriousness Dr Harris places on the current situation or a powerplay by the true power behind the throne.

Perhaps both!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

As Peter Gabriel once urged Kate Bush, )you have to be certainage for this) DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's always good to talk and the positive development of the EIS meeting with some of the Principalship today is to be welcomed. However I dont think EIS members should get carried away by this latest move. Of course it may well be that The Principalship have had an outbreak of common sense at last and have booted out PN, of whom Ray Harris has apparently said ... 'We were never completely wedded to Protocol National in the first place' (or words to that effect).

So lets remember the kind of people we are dealing with here, after all they aint exactly known for being 'as honest as the day is long' with either staff or students. In fact quite the reverse is the case and some people would say that they are more inclined to be "economic with the truth'.

If things are developing positively for staff with regard to this industrial action then our Branch Committee will give us all the info. we need as soon as they are able. We can then discuss matters together and decide on what action to take. Until such times I suggest that we still continue to 'be very afraid'.

Talking of our Branch Committee I would like to take the opportunity on behalf of nearly all EIS members in the college (you know the ones I wish to exclude from this) to say a huge thanks to the committee members for their endless hard work and commitment on behalf us all. You've fairly 'rumbled them up' with your efforts. EIS members are now united and working for each other in the College and I'd like to think that with continued unity we will strive towards never allowing ourselves to be treated in such a shameful manner by any member of Management in the future.

It's corny but ...'United we stand' etc etc.

Anonymous said...

Dear o dear 'anonymous'. Seems that some EIS members don't necessarily agree with your opinions.
I wonder if common sense has broken out among your membership?

Anonymous said...

the fact is commom sense has finally broken out amongst the membership,but it doesn't stop there. not only do pretty much all EIS members support the action taken, but so does the support staff,many managers,politicians and most importantly the students. Ignoring the majority and focussing on the minority is not commom sense.WAKE UP!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Get any agreement in writing and perferable in tablets of stone in triplicate. SIGNED AND WITNESSED.



Anonymous said...

I am staggered that the Principal of Telford college has gone on holiday!! Where is this mans accountability? he doesn't need to consult with staff or unions...but runs a totalitarian empire. Is he totally untouchable? who is representing the rights of the taxpayer here???

Anonymous said...

indeed it is true that some, a very small percentage, of EIS members have crossed their own unions picket line. this could be for a variety of reasons one of which could be that they dont agree with the EIS view point. however it could also be due to the fact they feel vulnerable within their job due to position or by comments of the SMT on "breach of contract" and other intimidating statements. It should be remembered that being part of any institution bears responsibilities, however at least the EIS has not intimidated any of its members in public meetings or e-mail one way or another, but as in this dispute, would stand up for and represent ALL its members through a democratic process.

Anonymous said...

It should be encouraged that existing EIS members
have the freedom of free thought, and should they not agree with the action their union is taking, then they should return to work and cross the picket line.

However I also feel that if they do not agree on the union's stance they should remove themselves from the union that they are so obviously opposed to, and seek to join a union they can support !.