Friday, 28 September 2007

"Top marks for city college at centre of staff dispute"

The article about Telford in today's edition of the Edinburgh Evening News clearly states that Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education (HMIe)

"found the educational leadership, direction and management of the college to be very good."

It might be interesting to know what the Inspectorate think now. Surely industrial action by the largest teaching union in scotland is not a very good signifier of "very good" leadership.

Perhaps the Principalship should have paid closer attention to one of the significant criticisms made in the report:

"The college should ensure that all staff are fully aware of college planning arrangements
and are able to contribute appropriately to planning and decision making processes."

Yet at no point were any staff consulted over the introduction of Protocol National.

The full article is available by clicking HERE



Anonymous said...

I was at Telford College last year and was interviewed by the inspectors along with other students. They just were not interested in our complaints about only getting 12 hours a week for a full time course or that the rooms were horrible and nothing worked. The lecturers sound though always a good laugh and I am now at Uni thanks to them.

Anonymous said...

12 hours? You were lucky. Many courses have been reduced to 10 hours of tutor contact with the students. The rest is filled with so-called 'Self-Directed Study' which the college management obviously see as a valuable (and cheap!) learning experience for paying students. Considering how little time the tutors have with the students it's remarkable how high the attainment rate is and is testament to the hard work that tutors do to make up the lost time. The main aim of the College management has been clear for some years - save money by consistently reducing qualified, experienced lecturers hours, and replace them with nothing or at best a much cheaper technician or 'learning assistant'. Quality education??

Bobelix said...

Yes, it sometimes makes you wonder what the powers-that-be - HMI, SQA - think constitutes a good education. Tick the boxes and all will be well; aye, right - please forgive the double positive = negative :)