Tuesday, 2 October 2007

"Students back lecturers in college row"

"HUNDREDS of students have come out in support of striking lecturers and called on management at Telford College to back down in the dispute.

At least two petitions, one with about 500 signatures, have been set up in favour of the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) action."

Extract from Gareth Rose Article, Edinburgh Evening News 1st October 2007

Naturally the Branch Committee are delighted to know that there is such significant support from the student body for the members taking action. We can assure the students that the Branch Committee and the EIS Regional and National Associations have done and are doing everything they posibly can to resolve the current situation in order to secure and maintain a sound education system for all of Scotland learners.



Anonymous said...

I find it abhorrent that the college management have not made apparent the lack of student representation in relation to this matter given the EU directives on student representation as outlined in the Telford College handbook, provided to every student. Having studied for four years at Edinburgh University where students had the genuine belief that they had a authoritative voice when it came to the organisation of the education many of them were paying money for, it smacks of hypocrisy when Telford management blocks access to - initially - this very blog, as well as portraying the EIS as unwilling to participate in negotiation. There are, naturally, two sides to every story, but the over-riding sense I feel is that management is keen to cut every corner possible, thus devaluing the standard of teaching, sloughing off money to a PR agency, whose carefully-worded articles in the Evening News praising management seem all-too-convenient and celebratory in the face of major disruption to teaching. I have been singularly impressed by the standard of tuition at Telford, and the facilities - despite the Starbucks affiliation - are exemplary. I understand that Telford is as much a business as an educational establishment, and it would be a particularly naive viewpoint to ignore the increasingly commercial nature of modern colleges, but I would like to believe Telford as an institution as well as a figurehead for higher education in Scotland is driven towards producing students of a certain calibre who can be proud to have studied there. Recent events would seek to degrade this notion, and I and my fellow students support the action of EIS, hoping that management will halt this move towards agency employment and faithfully stand behind the lecturers, support staff and students who make Telford the venerable establishment it aims to be. Students themselves, in establishing a blog and myspace site, have demonstrated that they are as inquisitive as they should be. That a lack of relevant and appropriate information from the management of the college should come as no surprise to staff, and that students have to dig out the true story for themselves is a testament to how divisive this issue is for everyone involved. What is clear is that the EIS and its members are committed to strike action for a prolonged period, on minimal pay and acutely aware of the disruption this causes for their students. That students overwhelmingly support this action is indicative of the misguided course college management is willing to take on this matter, at the detriment of both teaching standards and the overall reputation of the college as a whole.

Anonymous said...

Well done Telford Staff.

SMT at Telford are you listening? In recent years you have let staff morale at Telford fall to a truly awful state. How many members of staff have left the college in the last five years or so?

The mystery is that it has taken so long for tutors to take any action at all, but knowing their dedication and their belief in supporting their students maybe it's not such a mystery after all. SMT, you have relied on and abused the good will of your staff far too much.

The dam has finally burst, and I hope that at last the Scottish Government will take action against the SMT in response to their abuse.

Go it Telford staff!

Anonymous said...

There is currently no Student Union at Telford as the last President has not been replaced. Maybe the SMT were in no hurry to find a replacement, as without the Student Union it makes it harder for students to organise and bring pressure to bear on the management. I am very encouraged to hear that in spite of this students are managing to come together in support of their tutors. Student support is very important as they are the 'customers' of the organisation and as such are likely to be listened to.

Anonymous said...

Telford management have misjudged the students intelligence and their appreciation of all that the tutors do for them. They seem to have hoped the students would be angry at their classes not running, and although some are expressing concerns at missing valuable teaching time, this is not diminishing their support for the principles their tutors are fighting for.
It seems on at least two occasions students have approached the Principal to discuss the issue and have been dismissed as being "not important enough" for the Principal to talk too. Their arrogance knows no bounds.

Anonymous said...

It is very encouraging to read the comments from students indicating their level of support. The time has come for the senior management of Telford College to be held accountable for their misguided policies.
This whole dispute must surely call to question the Senior Management's ability to manage. The lack of confidence in their abilites must be acknowledged and solutions need to be found.
The management have mistakeningly underestimated the determination of the lecturers within Telford College and the students. Together they will win this.