Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Lecturers strike for 5th day

Members of the Edinburgh's Telford College branch of the EIS-FELA continued their strike action today amidst calls for the Principal to return from his holiday to the college in order to resolve the dispute.

The members were joined on the picket line today by Ken Wimbor Assistant Secretary of the EIS.


Jon Bryan said...

Congratulations on the solid work so far in your dispute. You are right to take action against the introduction of an agency which will drive down pay, conditions, and the quality of education.

Good luck in your dispute!

Although over the other side of the border, we are next to you in solidarity.

Best wishes,

Jon Bryan
National Executive member
Newcastle College Rep

Unknown said...

That sign is priceless. Good work.

Anonymous said...

No doubt he will blame not getting your postcard on the other strike that is going on just now